Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Monkey Munch

Whoa!....has it really been since March! When I got on here today and saw my old background I realized just how long it had been....way too long!
I've really missed blogging, now that things have settled a bit, maybe I can blog much more routinely.
I really enjoy nice having a place to journal my thoughts and the record the happenings of my family!
As you may have guessed from the title, my little Monkeys and I made monkey munch for a new snack today! It is sooo yummy! Harrison requested this for both Lunch and dinner, but of course he had to eat his meal first.
I remember when in school, some of the other kids would bring this...I'm pretty sure they called it "trash"?, but I could never eat it because it was made with Peanut Butter. Well I have since discovered Soy Nut Butter and I'm able to replace PB with SNB in any recipe. We have all enjoyed the Monkey Munch today!
Look for a new post soon! (and hopefully I can learn from Bob how to add pics)!

Choose Joy!

Happy to Be Here!

They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.Psalm 145:6-8