Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Grocery Cart Challenge

So some of you may know that I had never even heard of "blogging" before I attended my first LPL event in Boone N.C. in May of 07! After that I've been a faithful "siesta" on the LPM blog.

At first I just faithfully read the posts, but wasn't sure how to "post". Of course with my wonderful hubby's help, I got an account and was a blogging "siesta".

Last week one of the posts was on how to have a grocery budget! One of the comments had a link to another blog that I've found tremendously helpful!

A Lady with a family of six feeds them on $60!!!!! She posts her "plan" as well as her menus! She has many other wonderful frugal ideas on there as well!

I found this very helpful Monday when I went grocery shopping...I have new ideas for Menu planning as well!

My family really enjoyed the Tortellini Soup I made last night, as well as the Pumpkin Muffins for snacks and breakfast!

Does anyone know where you can find dry goods in bulk in the Tri-Cities? I noticed she buys her flours/sugars and cereals/oats is bulk and gets them very cheap!

Her blog is http://www.grocerycartchallenge.blogspot.com/

Here are the links for the recipes I fixed last night: http://www.recipezaar.com/Tortellini-Soup-16150 and http://www.recipezaar.com/Pumpkin-Chocolate-Chip-Muffins-3564

For the muffins, I only had enough Chocolate Chips in the cabinet for 1/3 of the batch so I used Raisins for the other 2/3. They are delicious but next time I make them I am going to use applesauce instead of oil...that way it will be WW friendly!

Hope you all have a Blessed Day!

I'll post pics of the Children very soon!


Welcome said...

You are rocking the blogging world! You're doing so well! I Love You!

Ashlee said...

Hey. I find your blog GREAT!! i haven't talked or seen you and your family since christmas. and i miss you alot. i miss the dariace time as well. I have a blog for our youth group if you would like to look, it's http://youthatcalvary.blogspot.com/ love and miss you!
-ashlee g

Happy to Be Here!

They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.Psalm 145:6-8