Thursday, January 1, 2009

My First Blog Post!

Happy New Year 2009!

Wow, who would've thought that I, Laura Beth, would actually be technologically advanced enough to have a blog! I know, I can't believe it either...and I've actually figured some of it out on my own, however I must give some credit to Bob...okay most credit to Bob! There are several things on my list to accomplish in of which is to blog!

I'm also very excited to be a part of memorizing scripture with fellow "Siesta's" on the LPM blog.

I'm looking forward to see what the Lord has in store for me and my family in 2009! Clark will start school in August, Harrison will turn 4 this year, and our baby girl will turn 1 in July! Whoa, I'm not going to let my mind get that far ahead yet...I just want to enjoy the "now" before it's in the past!

I'm also very excited about my Premier Jewelry business this year! We'll Shine in 09!

This is also the first New Year's we are celebrating together as fellow believers! On Father's Day 2008 Bob made Jesus Christ the Lord of his Life...he went from a knowledge of Christ in his head to a relationship with Christ in his heart! This could be a whole other post...I will just close by saying, I praise the Lord, for all he did with us and for us in 2008 and gratefully anticipate what he has for us in 09! Praise you Jesus!!!

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Happy to Be Here!

They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.Psalm 145:6-8